Our Score card at a glance
For over the last 10 years since we began the supplementary education support program, we have worked with parents to provide extra support to nearly 250 learners from different backgrounds.Every year we continued to record 100% high GCSE results in the core subjects of Maths and science. For us our motto that "Failure is not an Option" always remain relevant.
Virtually all our past students have gone on to complete university degress and many are currently gainfully employed. Here are some of their testimonies
Virtually all our past students have gone on to complete university degress and many are currently gainfully employed. Here are some of their testimonies
Testimonials from Past Learners
Rebecca; who finished with us in July 2003 says"learning at the Innovations centre was a very good experience. The comfortable environment and patient, friendly caring staff make you feel welcome and at home. Thank you Dr Daniel"
Sunkanmi; (July 2003) says "the positive impact of support received significantly contributed to my success in the exams"
Maria; (July 2010) says "the support received helped me to work faster and reminded me that I am competing with several other people"
Ziggy; (July 2005) says "the teaching methods adopted by Dr Daniel and other teachers greatly enhanced my interest in maths for ,which I am eternally grateful.
Sunkanmi; (July 2003) says "the positive impact of support received significantly contributed to my success in the exams"
Maria; (July 2010) says "the support received helped me to work faster and reminded me that I am competing with several other people"
Ziggy; (July 2005) says "the teaching methods adopted by Dr Daniel and other teachers greatly enhanced my interest in maths for ,which I am eternally grateful.